Pitch In Ended 2017 with a BANG! This December Pitch In students took a walk in someone else's shoes with our Pay It Forward theme that carried through all Pitch In Ended 2017 with a BANG!Jon Arndt2024-01-03T12:52:27-06:00
Week 3 With ECT Pitch In students are on week 3 with Emerald City Theatre, how time flies when we are having fun! Through theater games Week 3 With ECTJon Arndt2024-01-03T12:52:28-06:00
Pitch In Week 2 Pitch in students enjoyed their time with mentors during week 2 as we focused on our theme, "When I Grow Up." Students Pitch In Week 2Jon Arndt2024-01-03T12:52:29-06:00